Canadian Pepper Farm supplying Sorry Sauce Canadian Hot Sauce and others in Ontario.
A cross between a Red 7 Pot Brainstrain and a Chocolate Moruga Scorpion. Slightly smoky in flavour.
Created by grower David Capiello by saving seeds from 7 Pot pods with brain like textures.
The Chocolate version of the 7 Pot Bubblegum pepper has a great, black cherry flavour. One of my favourite peppers!
From grower James Mallon of Pennsylvania, these plants show purple leaves and pods as they're growing. The pods ripen to a deep red patina.
A cross between a 7 Pot Yellow and a Red Moruga Scorpion, Bubblegum peppers ripen their colours up the calyx.
Sweet, fruity and very hot.
A cross between a 7 Pot Red Bubblegum and a White Ghost for cool looking pods that aren't nearly as hot as their red parents.
Origin: 7 Pot Yellow x Red Moruga Scorpion
Flavour: Sweet, fruity
All the heat you'd expect from a 7 Pot pepper, but with a hint of honey on the flavour.
7 Pot Chaguanas
From a village in Trinidad and Tobago, these 7 Pots are fruity with an above average heat.
Origin: Trinidad, alternate variety of 7 Pot Douglah
7 Pot Brainstrain hybrid created by PepperLover. Fruity with a sharp heat.
I expected brown pods, but I got red. In any case, the pods were extremely hot.
A cross between a Chocolate Ghost and a 7 Pot Primo pepper. I had a plant with brown pods and a plant with olive pods, so I'll grow them out separately.
A cross between a Chocolate Ghost and a 7 Pot Primo pepper. I had a plant with brown pods and a plant with olive pods, so I'll grow them out separately.
7 Pot Infinity
Created by Nick Woods in England, and world record holder for 2 weeks in 2011.
Large red pods with a great fruity sweetness.
The chocolate variety of the 7 Pot Primo with a higher average heat and a floral flavour.
A cross between a Naga Morich and a 7 Pot pepper named after its Louisiana creator, Troy Primeaux
The yellow variety of the 7 Pot Primo. Slightly milder and sweeter.
A cross between a Red Moruga Scorpion and a 7 Pot Primo done by a Tennessee grower known only as Judy. The pods are like fruitier scorpions.
The white cultivar of the classic 7 Pot pepper.
The yellow cultivar of the classic 7 Pot pepper.
Heirloom pepper from Aribibi, Bolivia. The name translates to "Aribibi Caterpillar" and describes the pepper shape. The flavour is citrusy.
Origin: Cross between Bahamian Goat and unknown red superhot
Flavour: Floral, grassy, fruity
Pumpkin shaped pods with a fantastic peach mandarin flavour. My personal favourite peppers, and clearly the best of the Habanero style peppers.
Origin: Chocolate Nagabrains x Carolina Reaper from Brian Seal in the USA
Flavour: Fruity, hot
A cross between a Red Ghost and a 7 Pot Douglah pepper, and a solid contender for world's hottest pepper. Immediate and regrettable mouth burn.
The yellow cultivar of the Bhutlah pepper with increased sweetness.
Origin: Bhut Jolokia x Trinidad Douglah. Unknown grower
Flavour: Floral
Origin: Bhutlah x Scorpion cross from Chad Soleski, USA
Created by Louisiana grower Troy Primeaux, this is a cross between a Naga Morich and a 7 Pot Douglah.
Mustard coloured variant of the Big Black Mama pepper.
Red coloured variant of the Big Black Mama pepper.
Brazilian "little beak" peppers, also known as Sweety Drop peppers. Sweet, and the mildest of the Chinense peppers.
Yellow cultivar of Biquinho peppers.
White cultivar of Biquinho peppers.
From UK grower Jon Harper, this is a cross between a 7 Pot Bubblegum and a Naglah pepper.
This was a one-off I grew a few years ago, and I don't know the specific genetics. My hunch is that it's a Borg 9 Bleeder without the 7 Pot Bubblegum style calyx colouring.
Origin: Drax Diego
Flavour: Sweet, tropical, fruit, no floral tones. My favourite new pepper of 2023!
From Atlantic Pepper Seeds. The flavour has slight melon undertones and a brutal heat.
The original Carbonero was a cross between a Bhut Carbon and a 7 Pot Yellow created by Tony Sherwood in Florida. The white cultivar was discovered by Jeanie Yanger on the Island of Guam. The white pods are a little milder than the orange and just as fruity.
Origin: Bhut Carbon x 7 Pot Yellow created by Tony Sherwood in Florida, USA.
Flavour: Sweet, tropical fruit
Origin: Cross of Carolina Reaper with Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion from Steve Bender at Tyler Farms in California
Flavour: Sweet, tropical, fruity
From Butch Taylor himself, this is a cross between a Butch T Scorpion and a Carolina Reaper pepper.
Chocolate variety of the world's hottest pepper. Sweet, fruity and earthy with a brutal creeper heat.
Origin: Yellow Reaper mutation discovered by Jeff Contonio, USA
Flavour: Sweet, fruity
These were labelled Purple Carolina Reaper, but the pods I got were dark red so they looked like regular Reapers to me.
Created by Ed Currie in South Carolina by crossing a Pakistani Naga with a Red Habanero from St Vincents Island. Considered the world's hottest pepper until Pepper X in 2023.
Slightly sweeter than Red Reapers and almost as hot. Don't be fooled by the nice, yellow colour. Yellow means caution.
An unstable cross between 2 superhots.
An unstable cross between 2 superhots.
Origin: Atomic Pepper Seeds, USA
Flavour: Near Reaper heat with improved flavour. Tropical fruit with no bitterness.
Daisy Cutter
Developed by Matthew Arthur from selected 7 Pot Jonah pods. Orange pods with a fruity flavour.
A habanero style pepper from St Augustine, Florida but with increased sweetness and a tropical fruit flavour.
I grew it for the first time in 2022, and I was so impressed that it's a must grow for 2023.
Origin: Naga Bubblegum x Naga Viper created by Terry Smith, UK and grown out by Jim Duffy USA
Flavour: Sweet, Citrus
Cultivated by Mike Smith in Wales in 2017, Dragon's Breath peppers might be the world's hottest. Are they a new cultivar or just a version of 7 Pot Infinity? I don't know, but the pods are incredibly hot and cramp inducing.
Very similar to a Habanero pepper but with an increased heat and a crisp citrus flavour.
From Fatalii Seeds in Finland, the Jigsaw is a cross between a Red Moruga Scorpion and a secret pepper.
After the early frost in 2020, I bought some peppers from a farmer in Flamborough. He told me they were Ghost peppers initially, but then said they were Ghost and Habanero crosses. The pods have a great habanero flavour with increased heat.
Chocolate cultivar of the classic Ghost pepper.
Orange cultivar of the classic Ghost pepper.
This was a garden surprise in 2017 where some Red Ghost plants ripened to peach instead.
A naturally growing pepper from India and Bangladesh, the bhut jolokia held the title of the world's hottest pepper from 2007-2010. Sweet and fruity with a creeper burn.
White cultivar of the classic Ghost pepper.
Yellow cultivar of the classic Ghost pepper.
Origin: Bahamian Goat x 7 Pot Brainstrain
Large, thick walled pods with a classic habanero heat and flavour profile. Great for salsas.
Hotter and earthier tasting than Red Habaneros, but with the same sweet fruitiness.
Chocolate pod mutation of the Yellow Devil's Tongue.
Discovered growing on a Pennsylvania pepper farm, the Devil's Tongue is basically a lighter coloured Orange Habanero with a longer, flatter pod.
The classic hot pepper with a citrus fruitiness and a hint of smoke
At the mild end of the habanero spectrum, but with a great lemony flavour. Pods and foliage are purple, and the pods ripen to a lemon yellow with a purple blush.
Red Habaneros are hotter than classic Orange Habaneros, but with the same flavour profile. Red Savina Habanero held the title of world's hottest pepper from 1994 until 2006.
White pods with a crisp citrus and undertones of tropical fruit.
Small jelly bean shaped peppers with notes of tropical fruit and a surprising heat.
A stabilized cross of Pimenta de Neyde and Red Ghost peppers, these plants have purple foliage and purple pods that ripen through with deep yellow.
Origin: Carolina Reaper x Sepia Serpent from Danilo of Space Chilli Peppers, Italy
Created by Jay Weaver in Pennsylvania, this is a cross between a Red Ghost and a Red Scorpion pepper grown out for peach pods.
Origin: Khang Starr cross between Bahamian Goat and Scotch Bonnet
Flavour: Crisp, citrusy
I got my seedlings of this accidental cross pollination from Haico of Haico's Hot Sauce. He polled some friends for a name, and one suggested Bob. Add a citrus flavour and fierce heat and you get Lemon Bob.
Origin: 7 Pot Bubblegum renamed for its big pods
Flavour: Fruity, tropical
From Suriname, Madame Jeanette peppers deliver habanero level heat with flavour notes of melon, apple, pineapple and mango.
Origin: 7 Pot Douglah x Moruga Scorpion
From northern Brazil, these ivory white pods are often dried for pepper powder. Pods are sweet and citrusy with an immediate heat.
A cross between a Naga and a 7 Pot Peach Bubblegum.
Chocolate version of the Naga pepper with very dark pods and a floral, bitter heat.
Similar to a Naga Morich but with a better sweetness.
Naga Morich bred out for heat by Joy and Michael Michaud of Peppers by Post in the UK
Chocolate cultivar of the Red Monster Naga that appeared in the Garden of Apologies during the 2020 season.
Naga Morich selected for large pods.
Origin: Atomic Pepper Seeds, USA
Flavour: Sweet, fruity, nectarine. Pods ripened orange.
Origin: Atomic Pepper Seeds, USA
Flavour: Sweet, fruity, nectarine. Pods ripened pink.
Created by Gerald Fowler in the UK as a hybrid of Naga Morich, Red Ghost and Red Scorpion peppers. World record holder from 2011 to 2017.
Origin: White Hot Peppers, USA
Flavour: Sweet
Origin: Ghost x Pimenta de Neyde
Origin: 7 Pot Primo x Fatalii from Chris Saunders.
Origin: 7 Pot Primo x Fatalii from Chris Saunders. Off colour pheno discovered in 2020.
Created by Chris Saunders as a cross between 7 Pot Primo and Fatalii peppers. A new contender for world's hottest pepper.
Origin: Brian Townsend, Florida USA. NagaGum Peach Italia without the bleeding calyx
Flavour: Sweet, fruity
Another cultivar I got from Haico of Haico's Hot Sauce. All the heat of a Carolina Reaper in a larger pod with a better flavour.
Origin: Tobias Dorf, Germany and introduced to Canada by Haico's Hot Sauce.
Flavour: Sweet
Chocolate variety of Apocalypse Scorpion with a higher average heat level.
Created by Italian growers, the Apocalype Scorpion throws large pods on the hot end of Scorpion peppers.
A Butch Taylor cross between a 7 Pot Bubblegum and a Red Scorpion pepper. I grew it as a one off before I started this website, so I didn't think to take a picture of the pods.
Scorpion cultivar created by Butch Taylor and world's hottest pepper in 2011.
Scorpion, Chocolate
Chocolate variety of the Red Scorpion with a similar fruitiness.
An accidental cross of a White Ghost with a Red Scorpion found by Tom Kleinfelter in Pennsylvania. Very hot with bitter and floral taste.
Created by Mike Hess, this is a cross between a Red Ghost and a Chocolate Scorpion. Smoky, fruity and earthy with a serious heat.
Lighter variant of the Chocolate Moruga Scorpion. Sweeter and slightly milder
Lighter variant of the Chocolate Moruga Scorpion. Sweeter and slightly milder
The chocolate version of the Moruga scorpion averages a little bit hotter and has a fruity and earthy flavour.
The world's hottest pepper in 2012, the Moruga is the hottest (and best) of the scorpion family.
Origin: Kevin Bane, North Carolina, USA
Flavour: Similar to Moruga Scorpion
All the heat of a Red Moruga Scorpion, but with a more bitter and floral flavour. I didn't get many pods, but they were the size of golf balls.
Classic pepper from Trinidad and Tobago. Slight fruitiness on the forward but with a sharp burn to the back of the throat as soon as you swallow.
Origin: Sarah Ragoonan Trinidad Scorpion Long, Trinidad
Flavour: Unknown - I didn't get viable pods in 2023, so I'll try again for 2024
At the mild end of the scorpion scale with a hint of sweet citrus.
Origin: Freeport, Bahamas
Flavour: Sweet, tropical
Origin: Jamaica, Ministry of Agriculture
Flavour: Sweet, tropical
Red Scotch Bonnets are less common than yellows. but otherwise they're pretty much the same.
Very similar to a habanero in heat and flavour, but with undertones of apple and cherry. Classic Jamaican pepper.
A cross between a Scotch Bonnet and a 7 Pot Yellow Brainstrain. Nice citrus flavour.
Origin: Pimenta de Neyde x Ghost from Drax Diego
This could be the 7 Pot Douglah with a different name given by a different seed vendor. The pods ripened to brown rather than red.
Origin: Unknown cross from Spain
Flavour: Hot